Zachary webber
Zachary webber

zachary webber

so all the missionaries who are going home this change gave thier "testimonio del valiente" just our last testimony to the zone leaders and sister trainer leaders. This wednesday we got up early and headed off to montevideo for the leadership council. With so much stuff to do this week we had hardly any time to do anything really. I haven´t heard too much about the world cup this week.

zachary webber zachary webber

Well that´s about all for now.Īhh what schmeags england. But I hope to get some news over email or something like that saying that she was baptized. Soooo that is more than likely going to have to wait a while. This week was pretty rough, lots of rain, pretty cold and Luana´s family is against her getting baptized. Also, Santiago, an investigator I was teaching in Bella Italia got baptized and the missionaries there sent me a photo. That kind of put a damper on everything, but we all know where he is, he was a champion. I also recieved news that Felix, an old man I baptized in Bella Italia died this last week. Mirta, the first person I baptized is still going really strong. I´m just really grateful for that oppurtunity to visit them and to see how they´re all doing. I´ll have to show you all the photos and explain stuff in a a week or so. I was surprised that everybody still remembered me, even some old investigators I visited. Obviously I was excited and happy to see all the members and converts there, but I was pretty sad that I was only there to say goodbye. So one of our last two p-days we are allowed to travel anywhere within two hours of our area to visit prior areas or other things. Thanks for the emails and the advice, and sorry for not writting yesterday.

Zachary webber